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The Octave

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The Octave


Music is in the ancient religion of the greatest importance.

Orpheus is playing his flute to gather animals

and birds and fishes into his dimension.


Very surely music played an important role

in the initiation of ancient Christian believers.

See our special webpage upon the subject of ancient Christian intiation


Music was keeping the universe together.

Even the stars and planets were moving on the tones of music,

called heavenly music.


But the concept of music goes much further.

Central in music is the Octave.

In those ancient times the Octave was divided into seven basic tones.

The eighth tone was the next octave, the fullfilment of the octave.

This is why we see in ancient religious thinking

about the Divine a sevenfold way.

The full sound is the fullness of the octave.

We see Hathor as a manifold Goddess,

because of the fullness of the tones.

The Divine Abode in ancient Christianity is sevenfold

with the pleroma in the Eighth level of fullness.

When we as modern people try to figure

how the ancient believers were seeing Divinity,

we have to play the string of heavenly music and see a sevenfold resonance.


(I don't know whether the seven days of the week

 are coming out of this same way of thinking).


When I find more examples of Divine sound and fullness

 this webpage will be amended.



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Updated March 29, 2008

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