The Ley Line Group
in search for the Harten Chapel
In search for the Harten chapel
The Ley line group is a group
of friends with all kinds of
psychic abilities, from Ley
line expertise,
to clairvoyance, feeling
energies, knowing dimension changes,
and much more.
The Group studying
a powerfull vortex in the valley of
the Renkumer Creek,
as a supposed place of the Harten chapel.
This time the Ley Line group
went out to find the ancient Harten chapel.
This chapel was erased from
the Earth around 1500AD.
The chapel was standing North
of Renkum on the Veluwe,
on the same Ley Line 9.0 as
the Solse Gat and the Goddess chapel
at Drie. Very probable the
Harten chapel was dedicated to the Nootgod
or the Goddess, because of the
thoroughness of the erasure.
Nobody has ever been able to
find the place of the Harten Chapel.
Old maps are indicating the
position, but even then
problem has been unsolvable.
As is well known both the
Goddess religion and the Nootgod veneration were
very much attacked and burned
down in the years 1450 to 1520AD.
The Group studied several
possible places where the chapel could have been.
The Renkum Creek.
The first place is situated
along the Bennekom Road,
an ancient postal road.
Two very powerful vortex places
were found, with energies
activating the trees into a
higher level of conscience.
The Group felt very positive energies
It would have been nice to
study this place more,
but this was certainly not the
Harten chapel.
Studying the
intensity of the vortex. The trees are standing in two circles
around the two
vortexes, making the symbol of eternity.
The powerful influence of the
old church of Renkum was very measurable.
This ancient church, probably
of Roman times, has been
destroyed by the local parish
about 120 years ago.
The Group decided to follow
the Renkum Creek up North.
The area of the
Renkum Creek has a wild beauty.
At several places the Group
measured the possible existence
of spiritual influences, altar
places, divinity.
The Group measuring
the hills along the Renkum Creek.
Moments later the
Group would split up, to have
a cross reference
measurement across the hills.
This tree wanted to
talk about ancient memories.
Connecting with the
tree the Harten chapel became visible nearby.
The memory was
given through several generations of trees.
"The Harten chapel
is 44 meters to the right".
The Group is
inspecting the most probable location.
On a friendly slope of the
hills the Group did find the location
of the Harten chapel. At this
place the Chapel should have been visible all around,
with a beautiful view over the
valley of the Creek.
Measuring and feeling the
place the characteristics became more and more clear.
Two trees are
guarding the ancient holy place.
The ancient grave of a person
was measured.
Next to the grave an ancient
altar place (6.3 line), oriented East.
Slightly more North the altar
place of the ancient chapel.
This seems very likely,
because ancient chapels were often
built upon more ancient holy
The Group was
measuring in turns to be sure of the correct place.
In the middle of
the valley is an ancient hill, very probably containing
a ruin of some
kind. Although certainly ancient, this is not the chapel.
30 meters to the
East from the place of the chapel is Holly growing,
a sure sign of a
goddess place.
All pictures copyright©2007,
home2b Robert and Susan
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Updated November 05,
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Copyright©2002-2007 by Robert and Susan