Susan messages

Message given in 2007



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Susan Message given in 2007


We would like to extend our affirmations

for a very special period of time for you filled with good health

both mentally and physically,

a good attitude, good wisdom

and the courage to be good and wise

in all you think, say and do.


May you see inside yourself with detachment

and be able to see where you can improve

and have the courage to do this.


May you be able to see without negative influence from others

who have something to gain.


This is a way to create a more peaceful world

in your life

and by extension the greater world.



We wish to create twins:

the energy of love and peace

that will extend from the smaller circle to the greater.

We are but ripples in the pond of life,

extending out to the rest of the world.

We thank you for focusing on our goal

with us.


In love and light,

Robert and Susan



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Updated July 27, 2011


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