Message from Susan

Peace Now!




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We need now more than ever to focus all of our waking

thoughts on peace. We need to pray for peace,

think about what peace means to us and the planet

and to visualize peace in as much detail as possible

with as much emotion and passion as we can.


Set aside some time each day and do one of the following:

- create a ritual for peace

- pray for peace

- write a letter or letters for peace

- write a poem for peace

- write a story for peace

- write down what peace means to you

- write down what you picture the world

to look like when there is world peace

- start a peace group


- start a prayer for peace group

- create a special peace prayer and share it with others

- write a song for peace

- talk to God regarding how you feel about peace

- start a talking group about peace

- write a children's story for peace

- start a children's peace group

- write affirmations for peace

- start a peace and non-violence group in your school

- write a letter-to-the-editor about peace

- start a peace radio show

- call in to a radio talk show

and let them know you support peace


I am sure that this will give you some ideas to start with

and you might be able to think of some other ideas

that are not listed here. Make it happy and fun to do.

 Go ahead, be an inspiration for PEACE !  :)


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Updated July 22, 2011

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